
A complete list of articles and updates published on the IDI monthly newsletter can be found in this archive.
FRANCE | 16 January 2009
FRANCE: New case law on the meaning of Article L134-13 of the French Commercial ...
Carlotta Mazzetti
Senza categoria | 15 December 2008
IDI: New country reports on franchising – Italy and UK....
UK | 15 December 2008
UK: A new judgment on post termination non compete obligation in a franchising a...
Ignacio ALONSO
SPAIN | 15 December 2008
SPAIN: Sub-distribution agreements – Unilateral Termination by the princip...
Patrick ROHN
SWITZERLAND | 15 December 2008
SWITZERLAND: Developments in the Law of Exclusive Distribution....
Carlotta Mazzetti
BRAZIL | 17 November 2008
BRAZIL: Supreme Court issues a new decision on distribution and jurisdiction....
Ignacio ALONSO
SPAIN | 17 November 2008
SPAIN: Distribution agreement – Unilateral termination of a non-written agreem...
UK | 17 November 2008
UK: A recent interesting case-law on breach of contracts in a franchising agreem...
Fabio Bortolotti
ITALY | 15 October 2008
ITALY: The current trend of the Italian Courts on calculation of the agents̵...
Halil Ercüment ERDEM
TURKEY | 15 October 2008
TURKEY: Competition Board’s Recent Decisions on Agency Matters....
NETHERLANDS | 15 October 2008
NETHERLANDS: A new case law on termination of distributorship agreements....
Ignacio ALONSO
SPAIN | 16 September 2008
SPAIN: a recent case law on unilateral termination of Franchise Agreements...
Carlotta Mazzetti
JAPAN | 16 September 2008
JAPAN: Supreme Court interpretation of a franchising agreement....
LITHUANIA | 16 September 2008
LITHUANIA: New interesting case-laws on commercial agency....
Patrick ROHN
SWITZERLAND | 15 July 2008
SWITZERLAND: Federal Supreme Court Judgement 4A_293/2007 and 4A_295/2007 of 15 J...
Marco HERO
GERMANY | 15 July 2008
GERMANY: Tax Neutrality for Advertising Cost Contributions....
Ignacio ALONSO
SPAIN | 15 July 2008
SPAIN: Evidences in a procedure for price fixing in distribution relationship in...
Ignacio ALONSO
SPAIN | 17 June 2008
SPAIN: Recent decisions on agency and distribution....