Dear IDI Members,
We are glad to inform you about the new materials now available on the IDI website.
In the last months new country experts joined IDI and, therefore, the following new country reports can be found in the Reports Section:
- Australian report on franchising (Tony Conaghan);
- Chilean report on distribution (Cristobal Porzio);
- Hungarian report on franchising (Ágnes Szent-Ivány);
- Puerto Rican reports on agency, distribution and franchising (Rafael Escalera Rodriguez).
In addition the Legislation Section has been improved with new information concerning for instance the following countries:
China; Czech Republic; Finland; El Salvador; Indonesia; Iran; Malaysia; New Zeland; Puerto Rico, South Africa; Taiwan.
Further sections of the website have also been updated.
Take a look at the new contents!
If you are not an IDI member, take this opportunity and join the International Distribution Institute!
IDI Editorial Board