2022 IDI Annual Conference


(Regulation 720 of May 10, 2022 and Guidelines – VBER 2022)


MADRID | 10-11 JUNE 2022

DISCUSSION PANEL. How does the expansion of the online channel impact on distribution strategies? The new EU rules on vertical restraints: a general overview DISCUSSION PANEL. Coordinating online sales and traditional offline distribution channels (II): complying with antitrust rules on dual distribution. DISCUSSION PANEL. Dealing with delivery platforms and aggregators: the commercial perspective DISCUSSION PANEL. Negotiating an agreement with an internet platform: how to comply with VBER 2022? DNW - One and a half years of application of the new Dutch Franchise Act, DNW - Turkish Competition Board decision regarding an individual exemption application for banning the internet sales of the distributor DNW - The new UK rules on block exemption DNW - Recent Brazilian case law on distribution 1 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. The changing role of commercial agents 1 WS - Is agency becoming an alternative to franchising? 1 WS - Is agency becoming an alternative to distribution in the EU? 1 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. “True” and “untrue” agents in the new Guidelines 1 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. “True” and “untrue” agents in the new Guidelines - P. Da Costa Mendes 2 WS - Introduction. How is changing the approach to distribution agreements under VBER 2022? 2 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. Protecting distributors against parallel sales 2 WS - Appointing more exclusive distributors in the same territory and managing shared exclusivity 2 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. Protecting a selective distribution network that covers only part of the EU against sales by unauthorised distributors 2 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. Establishing a selective distribution network managed through exclusive distributors in different EU countries 3 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. The abuse of economic dependence in franchise agreements: a comparative overview in different jurisdictions 3 WS - The impact of the new EU Rules on franchising contracts 3 WS - Restaurants: how to manage the relations with delivery platforms from the franchisor’s perspective 3 WS - DISCUSSION PANEL. A further approach followed by franchisors managing restaurants in this new scenario: dark kitchens