SPAIN: Agency Agreements – Deadline to ask for unpaid commissions.

Article 4 of the Agency Act establishes that except for goodwill compensation and damages claims all other claims in agency agreements are governed by the general prescription terms applicable to contracts provided by the Commercial Code. Given that the specific claim for unpaid commissions is not foreseen in this Code, it is necessary to examine […]

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ITALY: The Court of Cassation has enacted an interesting judgment regarding distributorship contracts.

The termination was made in conformity with the period of notice provided contractually and thus without need to provide reasons for such decision (the so called «recesso ad nutum»). However, the distributors argued that such termination was illegal, because it would have implied an abusive exercise of the right to terminate of Renault. The Tribunal […]

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UE: EC Regulation n. 593/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) will enter into force on 17 December 2009.

EC Regulation Rome I will replace the former Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome 1980). This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community. The text of the Regulation Rome I can be found in the EU […]

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SPAIN: Three new interesting case law on franchising.

Franchise agreement: lack of pre-contractual disclosure obligation by the franchisor.   The Supreme Court, in a sentence of June 30th, 2009 has confirmed the Sentence of the Regional Court of Barcelona (April, 26th 2005). The Courts examined an agreement signed by ‘Innovaciones Comerciales y Empresariales Inverarte’ and ‘Franchising Direct Cantina Mariachi’ (after on ‘Grupo Restmon’) […]

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BELGIUM: Commercial Court Liege, decision of 14 may 2009 (case n° A:07/2524-2620).

The law on precontractual information applies to all contracts whereby a manufacturer/franchisor grants the distributor/franchisee the use of the logo, Corporate identity, commercial name or whereby know how, commercial and or technical information is transferred to be used against payment. The law provides for the obligation to submit- at least one month prior to the […]

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CANADA: Superior Court of Quebec, 22-01-2009, no. 200-17-010520-088.

This case concerns a motion for an interlocutory judgment rendered in the scope of an action based on trademark infringement. In its motion for the interlocutory judgment, the Plaintiff asked the court to order the Defendants (former authorized dealers of the Plaintiff who, after their authorization had been revoked, continued to sell the Plaintiff’s products […]

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DENMARK: Danish Supreme Court, judgement of 9 June 2009 (Case No 51(2)/2007 Bodilsen vs. MBI France (published 17 October 2009).

MBI France is a privately owned business located in France engaged as commercial agent within the furniture market sector. Bodilsen is a Danish manufacturer of pine furniture. In 1996 Bodilsen appointed MBI France to act as commercial agent on the French retail market for furniture. At the time (1996) Bodilsen had no customers in France. […]

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PORTUGAL: Franchising update.

In the area of commercial distribution, however, only agency agreements are specifically regulated (1). Neither distribution nor franchise (franquia) agreements have specific legislation in Portugal largely because whilst this market continues to grow steadily, franchising as a business concept has not yet reached full maturity. However, certain legislative provisions are especially relevant to franchise agreements […]

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SPAIN: Franchising Agreement – Unilateral modification of the franchising agreement by the franchisor.

The parties had signed a franchise agreement in July 21st 1992 with the possibility for the Franchisor to establish unilaterally some temporal and general discount systems for franchisee with the possibility for the Franchisees to freely adhere to them. This produced the 2×1 promotion which meant that a second pizza was given when the first […]

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