FRANCHISING IN UKRAINE: legislative developments and case law.

On 16 May 2011 the Draft Law On Amending Civil and Commercial Codes of Ukraine (regarding commercial concession(1) agreements) No. 8515 was registered with the Parliament of Ukraine. The Draft Law introduces amendments to Article 1118 (2) of the Civil Code of Ukraine and Article 367 (2) of the Commercial Code of Ukraine concerning authorities […]

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U.S.A.: Enforcement of Noncompete Covenants in Internet Sales.

Covenants not to compete are often used to prevent a former franchisees from continuing to benefit from the goodwill, and know how acquired as a franchisee after their agreements expire or terminate. Most US states evaluate the validity of post-termination non-compete covenants by considering whether they have a legitimate business purpose, and whether they are […]

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SPAIN: modification of the Spanish Agency Act – Cars and Motor Vehicles distribution.

The amendment affects the distribution of automobiles and industrial vehicles and extends some of the principles of the Agency Agreement to these Distribution Agreements including some specific regulation. The following are the governing principles of the modification. 1. The modification affects the distribution agreements of automobiles and industrial motor vehicles. Distribution agreements in this case […]

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GREECE: Two interesting case law on goodwill indemnity in distributorship contracts.

The Greek Supreme Court (Areios Pagos) in its judgment nr. 1665/2009 dealt with a lot of issues concerning distributorship agreements. The judgment was delivered within the framework of the enforcement of an arbitral award rendered in the USA in a dispute between an US supplier and a Greek distributor. 1. The judgment at issue is […]

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PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: The Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court again interprets the 2+1 Rule as being administrative only.

In a case decided August 25th but released only in October, the Beijing No. Intermediate People’s Court held that where a franchisor is not in compliance with the requirement to have operated two locations for at least one year (Article 7(2) of the Franchise Regulations) the franchise agreement is still valid and there is not […]

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U.S.A.: Interpretation of forum selection clauses in the U.S. Federal Courts.

Albemarle Corporation vs. AstraZeneca UK Ltd., (No. 10-1000, Dec. 10, 2010, 4th Cir.) reviews the history of enforcement of forum selection clauses before the U.S. federal courts, and follows the prevailing view that the enforceability of a forum selection clause would be determined by federal common law. That law would normally view a forum selection […]

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TURKEY: The New Turkish Commercial Code harmonizes the agency provisions with the Council Directive 86/653/EEC.

The main novelties and changes brought by the New TCC are as follows: The provisions regarding the right to commission of the agency are regulated in more detail. Pursuant to the Article 113/3 of the New TCC, the agent may request a commission regarding the agreements concluded after the termination of agency relation and this […]

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BRAZIL: Compensation for goodwill in franchise agreements.

Aside from the Brazilian Civil Code, there are also accounting rules that address the concept of goodwill, which solely take into consideration the intangible elements of an establishment, to determine the surplus value when acquiring a specific business. For the purposes of this analysis, ‘goodwill’ will hereinafter mean the intangible elements of the establishment. Brazilian […]

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PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: A recent judgment of the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court of the implications of the failure of a franchisor to make all the required disclosures.

  The franchisee, ?? (Zou Jun), entered into a franchise agreement on April 24, 2010 with the franchisor, (Yicai International Business Management (Beijing), Inc.) to operate a shop selling Korean cosmetics. Under the agreement, the franchisee paid an initial fee in the amount of 39,800 RMB for the products and equipment provided by the franchisor. The […]

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GREECE: Analogous application of the provisions of Directive 86/653 to contracts excluded from its scope of application?

1. The determination of the ratione materiae scope of application of P.D. 219/1991 (i.e. the Greek legislative Instrument, implementing in the Greek Legal Order Directive 86/653) remains even today a long and strongly debated topic of discussion in Greek scholarship writing and jurisprudence, focusing particularly to the applicability per analogiam of the respective provisions (and […]

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