
In 2016, IDI created a specific branch, called “IDArb”, with the aim of facilitating the recourse to arbitration in disputes arising out of international distribution (agency, distribution, franchising, etc.) contracts.

IDArb has the following structure:

  • the Selecting Committee;
  • the IDArb Secretariat.

The Selecting Committee

The Selecting Committee is composed of lawyers with experience in the field of arbitration of distribution disputes. The Committee is in charge of accepting or revoking arbitrators for the IDArb list of Arbitrators.

The current members of the Selecting Committee are:

  • Jean-Paul Vulliéty, Lalive, Geneva (Chair)
  • Fabio Bortolotti, Buffa Bortolotti & Mathis, Torino
  • Stefano Paolo Catelani, Calimala Legal, Geneva
  • Jacqueline Ronconi, Richemont, Geneva
  • Vincent Subilia, Geneva Chamber of Commerce (CCIG)

The decisions of the Selecting Committee are confidential. The CCIG, the Swiss Arbitration Centre and IDI have a veto right, to be exercised in extreme cases.
The members of the Selecting Committee in principle meet in Geneva, but they can also communicate through email and conference calls. They have no remuneration and bear their travel and lodging expenses.

The IDArb Secretariat

The IDArb Secretariat manages the organization of IDArb and implements the decisions taken by the Selecting Committee and in particular:

  • Organizes training courses on arbitration, with special reference to the Swiss Rules, to be held in Geneva.
  • Receives and transmits to the Selecting Committee the applications for inclusion in the IDArb list by prospective arbitrators and cash the subscription fees.
  • Manages the relations with the IDArb arbitrators regarding payment of the application fee and the annual fee.
  • Implements the directives and decisions received by the Selecting Committee.
  • Publishes the list of IDArb arbitrators on the IDI website and maintains it constantly up-to-date.
  • Answers any requests for information regarding the list of IDArb arbitrators.
  • In case of request by a party of an Expedited Arbitration procedure, as per Article 1, a) of the IDArb Recommendations, provides the parties with the list of names of prospective arbitrators.
  • Manages the relations with the CCIG and the Swiss Arbitration Centre regarding all IDArb Expedited Arbitration Procedures.